Austrian medal from World-War I
with the inscription
Adolf Hitler:
Austria: I grew up in this huge old empire, which once stretched from Spain to Germany. However, because it was composed of so many different nations and races, it had to be held together by a common creed, which was the Roman Catholic religion. It also was maintained by brutal force. We persecuted and killed Muslims and Jews in Spain. We tried to eradicate the Protestants in Germany in the 30-years war, which split her western part up in many different countries, amongst which Prussia was the toughest one. We tried to squash Prussia in the 7-years war with the help of Russia, France, and Sweden. But its little snuff-, French-, and dog-loving king held fast and persisted in even keeping what he had stolen from us before. We remained at odds with Prussia—until we declared war on them in 1866. But we lost. Our hopes rose high, when the French made war against them 4 years later. But again, the Prussians were victorious and even united the many small countries of Germany-- with the exception of us. Our Empire had now split into two parts, the western Germany and the eastern Austria-Hungary. It was no use fighting Germany—we had to join them in a treaty, which gave us more power against the Slavs. These different non-Aryan races and the international cockroaches, as I like to call the Jews, always made trouble. You just could not trust them. Our empire had three flaws: The decadent and haughty bourgeoisie and nobility, non-Aryans, and the Roman Catholic creed, which had grown too soft. Because these forces hindered that I could become successful in Austria, I enlisted in the German army and fought on the western front in World-War I. This war had been triggered by a Slavic conspiracy to assassinate our prince. The war brought the Austrian Empire down and reduced it to a small size. Its former haughty and noble inhabitants were shell-shocked and good for nothing. I swore that I would rebuild the Empire much stronger and better than the previous one.
I had to come to power in Germany and use the Germans to build my Reich.
People forget one thing: A single person can be incredibly powerful if he dedicates his whole being to a project. An example for this is this communist guy, Elser, who wanted to blow me up in 1939. I barely escaped. I could not believe that neither the Gestapo nor the Abwehr had had any previous knowledge—some foreign power must have supported him. So, I had him thoroughly tortured, drugged, interrogated, and even hypnotized—but he kept saying just one thing: “It was only me.” What a difference to the assassination attempt of 1944 by these inept and cowardly officers! If they had not lost trust in our victory, they would not even have tried it. They all had done their best before to kill Americans, Brits and Russians.
The Spartans had a warrior class and a slave class. We will do the same. Our warrior class will be pure Aryans, our slave class the eastern Slavs and other inferior races. The Jews will be exterminated.
2014 ten-ruble coin from Russia
Vladimir Putin:
It was very clear to Stalin what Hitler had in mind for the Slavs. Stalin considered the Poles and Ukrainians as traitorous Slavs. Both had fought against our revolutionary army. So, he split up Poland with Hitler and did away with a bunch of the officers, police, and upper-class people of the part he had occupied, about 20,000 of them. Stalin did not warn his country that Hitler would attack—he wanted the Germans to stay optimistic and his people to feel the shock and hatred deeply. He knew that the West could not afford Hitler to take over Russia. He also knew how Napoleon had fared with his Grande Armée of about 500,000. The distances were just too great, the opportunities to attack supply lines and military units unlimited, the weather a pain in the ass. After winning the war, Stalin intended to form from other countries, occupied by the Red Army, a communist safety belt under his command. He was certain that the West would continue to target the Slavs. They had done so over a thousand years, beginning with the knights, then Napoleon, then the Germans and Austrians of Word War I, then Hitler. The attackers had changed—the target over centuries had stayed the same-- Russia, the homeland of the Slavs.
When the Nazi flag had fallen into the dirt, the Americans picked it up again. Germany was split up—an eastern communist part and a western capitalist one, in which all the old Nazis got a free pass from the Americans if they collaborated or at least did not oppose them. The Americans now set out to defeat us economically by forcing us to spend too big a chunk of our money on armaments. The Soviet Union collapsed. Thirty years after that, the Americans and their allies were on the borders of Russia again.
Allegedly, the Americans are for fair competition—but certainly not on the world stage. They do not allow other countries to develop alternatives, which are not based on capitalism. By “freedom” they understand the freedom to produce and to consume without regarding the consequences. There is a holy place for Muslims, namely Mecca. There is a holy place for Catholics, namely Rome. There is a holy place for all Americans, namely Las Vegas. Here Americans do their real prayer, namely trying to pump out money from one-armed bandits. Americans produce and consume whether it is good for their own or any other country. They do “nation-building” with the latter—while their own is falling apart. Americans have a high rate of drug-abuse, mental illness, and homelessness—and no affordable health insurance for a lot of their citizens. They squash the identities of new immigrants and turn them into suburbs, car-lots, fast-food restaurants, malls, shacks-- boring and depressing grave-stones of their former identities.
Americans hold elections to elect a president, who resembles the majority more and more. They have finally succeeded. They elected an idiot.
Chinese abacus
Xi Jinping:
The Communist Party of China (CPC) had a revolutionary period and consolidation period. In the revolutionary period, the stress was on the works of Karl Marx. In this period, the CPC threatened the expropriation of capitalists and world-wide revolution. In the consolidation period, the stress is on the works of Bismarck. In the consolidation period, we do not threaten the capitalists anymore; we buy them instead. We want peace—as Bismarck’s Germany did. Bismarck’s Germany was once threatened by religious extremism from Roman Catholics, whom the Pope had radicalized. Our country is threatened by religious extremists from Moslems in the Uighur province, whom external groups have radicalized
Bismarck said that Germany was saturated—he did not want any further expansion. However, his reaction would have been different if a part of his country, for example Bavaria, would have split off and sided with Germany’s enemy France. This happened to us with Taiwan. After the Civil War, the enemies of the CPC fled to this island, split off from China, and sided with our enemies, the Americans. We have been very patient over 70 years. But our patience has its limits.
Gerhard Kroiss:
Once, the dinosaurs were plentiful. If I had told them that they were an endangered species, they would have laughed in my face and eaten me. However, today a species unknown to the dinosaurs exhibits their bones in museums.
Today, humans are plentiful. If the above reasoning and behavior will remain the only alternative, some future species unknown to us will exhibit our bones in their museums.