Gerhard M. Kroiss, Ph.D.
2 Andrew Paul Way
Greensboro, NC 27410
June 5, 2024
This letter is addressed to:
· City of Greensboro,
· Guilford County Schools,
· Blue-Cross-Blue-Shield of NC,
who played a role in
sickening and financially harming both my wife and me severely. My wife of 55 years died two years ago. I barely survived. We had had no previous health problems, were never in the hospital until the after the events had taken their toll.
Because my wife’s high hospital bills, we had to accept the help of Medicaid, but into the danger of losing the house to them. Because of a potential eviction of myself after Christine’s death, Christine and I decided two weeks before she died to donate the house to the above nonprofit under the condition that I could stay in the house until my death.
Christine’s retirement salary from Germany, on which we were forced to live exclusively after the events described below had forced me to stop public services for the above nonprofit, was reduced to 60%. Because HOA fees, energy, and insurance for the house and previous debts for literature, which were acquired for the institute, still needed to be paid, I donated the remaining monthly retirement salary of $ 2,100.00 to the institute.
Now, the City of Greensboro is threatening us with foreclosure because I cannot pay the property tax for the house. I think our daughter Doris, who was traumatized by the events, will have to pay them out of her own pocket.
The following account of events will only contain facts, for which documentary evidence is available.
So, let me begin. I assure you that the story will be interesting, but certainly not too pleasing, for you.
My daughter Doris was mostly raised in the USA. She is, therefore, much politer than I am, who was raised in Germany, where you don’t get very far when you are polite with the children of Adolf Hitler. Also, I was treated very badly by the North Carolina Establishment, which does not help my politeness either.
Recently, I sent the Sheriff of Guilford County a letter. I told him: Dear Sheriff: I am 79, sick and penniless. Before I die, I want to give you some feedback. I began by saying that after 30 years in Greensboro, I had the impression that local Law Enforcement was more eager to protect well-connected crooks than their victims.
I started by mentioning the former Greensboro lawyer Manlin Chee, who was well-protected by Law Enforcement, other lawyers, and the Court system before she was locked up. She had stolen my money. Because I did not find a lawyer, I sued her myself. However, Greensboro City Police was unable to deliver the summons for months because “Manlin Chee was never in her office,” which was in close vicinity of the police station. A letter from Congressman Howard Coble to the Chief of Police caused her sudden presence in her office. I finally got my money back, after much obstruction by the Court and after Manlin had been arrested. However, my application for a so-called National Interest Waiver was delayed. Again, no lawyer could help because “the possibility of a receiving a National Interest Waiver is practically non-existent,” which was true for a change. I did it myself—and got it.
To explain the following, I must tell you about my academic credentials. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling from UNC-G. However, during my doctoral program, I also attended mathematics and statistics classes with a total of 60 semester hours. I graduated with magna cum laude only because my course load had included twice as many and more difficult courses than my fellow students had taken. Before, I had received a B.S in Psychology and an M. Ed. in Counseling from Overseas American Universities, both with summa cum laude. The B.S. also included 14 semester hours of mathematics.
In 1998 or 1999, Guilford County Schools had called me for help. They knew me because I had previously introduced myself to them, given them all my credentials, and related to them my experience in math education:
Back in Germany, I wanted to study at American universities, not at German universities, which were still full of Nazi professors. However, there was a problem: Germans were not admitted to American Overseas Universities. They were for American soldiers only. Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, wrote me letters of recommendation. The Education Service Officer of the 7th US Army, who was Jewish like Anna, admitted me.
I had made my tuition money with teaching math on a private basis for 15 years. German math teachers at the high-school (“Gymnasium”) level were not good at it, even though each one of them had a graduate degree in Mathematics and extensive on-site supervised teaching experience. One of the major problems was the lacking motivation for studying mathematics. Students expressed their disdain the following way: “Warum soll ich den Mist studieren? Wozu ist das Zeug denn gut?” You can translate that if you want. It’s rather disrespectful. The usual answer is: IF YOU GET BAD GRADES IN IT, YOU HURT YOUR FUTURE, that is, BLACKMAIL The reason for the lacking answer lay and still lies in mathematics itself: I had been in skeptical contact with Rudolf Carnap, a famous logician and philosopher. Carnap had been one of the few students of Gottlob Frege, the founder of formal logic. This logic is written in formulae. It led to the transformation of mathematics into modern formal mathematics. It replaced two thousand years of previous informal mathematics and logic—and any chances of giving the only valid answer: YOU LEARN TO THINK LOGICALLY WITH MATHEMATICS. Well, the validity of the answer depends on the kind of logic you are referring to: Nobody can apply formal logic to everyday life. It is good for some mathematicians and, maybe, for computers, but not for humans. The revival of informal logic in the form of CRITICAL THINKING proves that: A mental missing tool had to be reinvented. My dissertation at UNC-G was written under the guidance of Michael Scriven, who had been its American inventor.
Anna Freud, with whom I had corresponded since I was 17, was after a method to solve psychological problems. I was after a method to solve all kinds of problems, amongst which was the disgust of students towards mathematics. I sat down individually with several hundred students and handwrote a very personalized book for each one of them, probably more than 40 thousand pages in 15 years. They did not only learn mathematics, but also a more general form of problem solving and reasoning, which was good for them personally.
Result: I became very famous locally and could charge 4-times as much as the usual tutors. My services were often very quick and successful—and no student needed to show up again.
That had been my previous discussion with a guy in the basement of Guilford County Schools. No permanent job offer came, only an emergency call:
Northwest High had decided to put all students, who failed in mathematics at the algebra level, into one classroom. Their teacher had fled, left all her belongings in the classroom, and never returned. It looked like nobody else but me wanted the job. I got it for a certain time—and then, nothing again. I tried for years. I wrote to many principals because I knew that they needed math teachers badly. I did not understand their lack of interest until someone pulled a license, which I must have gotten for my help at Northwest, from the computer and showed it to me. The license read:
I assume that they also paid me accordingly.
From now on, I taught mathematics again privately. However, I had become too good for my own good: A John Seymour had a GPA of 65 in a high-school advanced-placement calculus class. He wanted to study engineering. This, however, would be impossible with such a grade. After teaching him for 4 hours, he got a 105 on the next test.
That’s not the way to make money.
To train math teachers, a lot of resources are invested by society and by the individuals in training. It should be shown that this training is necessary to produce math teachers, who are superior in performance to individuals, who have only been exposed to high-school mathematics.
This applies also to psychotherapy: A lot of resources are invested to train clinicians with a graduate degree and clinical experience. It should be shown that this training produces clinicians who are superior in performance to psychological paraprofessionals.
In both—and many other—cases such comparisons have not been made. It is not sufficient to show that the former are very effective. The latter could be, too.
I had contact with Robyn Dawes, professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Dawes had supplied evidence that the training of licensed and highly paid clinicians was NOT superior to those of paraprofessionals
I told him:
You wrote a book (“House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth”) about your findings. But they will say that your research is flawed and disregard your findings.
Look, the issue is simpler: If an insurance company pays for an expensive pill, there must be proof that the pill is superior to a placebo, even if both are very effective. The same should be true for services. It must be shown that the expensive services by trained and licensed clinicians are superior to the services of paraprofessionals, even if both are very effective.
But you also say that psychotherapy is very effective. The word therapy should be reserved to the treatment of illnesses, which require advanced training. It should not be applied to other kinds of help, such as talking to lonely and, therefore, troubled people.
Some have argued that in modern societies people are much lonelier than in traditional societies with their networks of relatives and friends and clans. If that is the case, it would explain why “psychotherapy” is highly effective—whether done by professionals or paraprofessionals or priests or friends or bartenders or wives or lovers.
People are very creative in making themselves appear better than they are. It is called cheating. Insurance companies and societies should make sure that they are not cheated—otherwise they will ultimately collapse for lack of resources. The buildings of society will still look impressive from the outside while hollowed out from the inside by human termites.
We just solved the riddle of the RISE AND COLLAPSE of human civilizations. The reason is that HUMAN TERMITES are as resistant to exterminators as HUMAN COCKROACHES. No revolution with its guillotines or firing squads or gulags or democracies or dictatorship or ideologies or proclaimed morals is successful with these critters. ONLY ENLIGHTENED SELF-INTEREST COULD BE—and that is just another expression for LOGIC or REASON.
But before we come to Blue-Cross-Blue-Shield, let me relate my previous experiences. For me, they had supplied direct personal evidence.
So, after my B.S. and M.Ed., I opened a private counseling practice in Germany. Everybody told me that I would not make it because Germans had great health insurance, who would pay for psychotherapy, but insurance companies would not pay for mine. I called them and asked why. They said: Your training has not been done at an accredited German institution. I asked: Do you pay for psychoanalysis? The answer was Yes. Then I said: This means that you would not pay Sigmund Freud himself because he was not trained in Germany.
I quickly found out that discussing with these idiots would lead nowhere. But I also knew that psychology was very flawed: Psychologists used theories. But there were many of them. Therefore, THE problem of the same client would have MANY different explanations. I had to offer something superior: I had an objective method to find out THE explanation of THE client’s problem. No need for theories—only for logic and problem-solving.
In the next decade, I made so much money that I could think about the next step: A Ph.D. in the USA.
There were two possible tiers for a doctorate: The first most prestigious one, that is, more job opportunities after graduation, was with a psychology department. The second less prestigious one was an education department (counseling).
I was doubtful whether the psychologists would want me. Let me explain the reason.
I am sorry for the next step because it might appear like grandstanding, which I hate. I want to show you a letter of recommendation from one of my professors:
This letter is important in the following way: It shows Professors Russ’s appreciation, not necessarily that I need to be appreciated. I don’t—because of the consequences: When Russ heard that I wanted to enroll in another of his courses, he got a panic attack. I am not dangerous—unless you hurt me a lot before, which you guys did. But many professors are highly competitive and, therefore, paranoid.
He knew that I could easily vivisect him. Would I or not? He could not stand the tension. So, he got a panic attack. I took part in his next class, and he survived it.
I applied at virtually all psychology programs in the USA. All of them reacted like Russ. Nobody took me. It was funny, which kind of excuses they came up with. One even wrote that my grades (summa cum laude) were not good enough. A year later, I was in West-Lafayette with my friend Allan Dye, a Counseling Professor at Perdue. We jokingly called the reaction of the psychologists the RUSS SYNDROME.
I said: “They could get away with everything because I was a German in Germany and because it was done by letter. I wonder how someone would react in person.” So, I called at Notre Dame, made an appointment, gave the secretary my name, and drove to South Bend, where the golden-domed elite university is. I did not get the chance of a personal conversation because the head of the psychology department, with whom my appointment was, had fled and could nowhere be found.
There are a lot of tall stories about the American Revolution. One of them is about Peter Francisco, who took part in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Peter was a giant of a person, who allegedly sat a man on his left, another on his right hand, and lifted both up. He yielded a medieval longsword because his hands were too big for any of his time. He used it to cleave the British soldiers into halves. After his thigh was nailed to his saddle by an English bayonet, he walked back to Virginia, where in competition with another strongman he threw a horse over a fence.
Now, imagine that Peter Francisco was told that in a modern fitness school people were trained to achieve the same miraculous deeds. He visited one, looked around and started laughing about the lying advertisements he had read: “No way these guys could do anything like this with these fancy methods! What a rip-off!”
I am no Peter Francisco. But I had the same feeling: “No way that these professors and therapists with their methods could deal with any of the problems I had to deal with.” For me that was proof enough. I did not need a Robyn Dawes from Carnegie Mellon with his statistical meta-analysis to convince me of a thing, which the professors and their spawn should have proved before claiming it to be true—and getting paid handsomely for it.
But let me stay for a while longer with the (hero-) worship humans are prone to commit. Some Americans worship Washington, some Marx, quite a few their pastors, some Martin Luther King, some Hitler, some Trump, some Cassius Clay, quite a few money, and so on. Other humans—in the context of an allegedly existing HIGHER BEING--have worshiped Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Manitou, the Universe, Gaia, Quetzalcoatl, Zeus, and so on.
Obviously, the question is not who is right, but: Why do humans need to worship? It must point to something biologically important because countless millions have died for whom or what they worshipped.
The answer is quite simple, however, not yet available:
Every functioning system, consisting of complex parts, must have a central regulator, which coordinates the actions of its parts: A computer has a Central Processing Unit (CPU), an orchestra its conductor, a country its government, a company its CEO. These central regulators not only secure the smooth operation of the current system, but also help it grow and develop.
The same must be true for living beings.
Let us call the central regulators of living beings SOUL with a specifier: SOUL of (a HUMAN) or even more specific SOUL (of GERHARD the HUMAN). In relationship to my feline friend, I would speak of SOUL of (BUBI the CAT).
The souls of living beings not only regulate its current functioning, but also the development and growth of the respective being. Let me give you two examples; In the dark of a pit, you may see in the deep a faint green glow. Some tiny plants exist there even though light seems to be absent. They have learnt to grow parabolic mirrors, which collect the few light rays onto one spot, where photosynthesis occurs and where the green glow comes from. Another funny picture is this: Jellyfish have no vision and, therefore little sense where they might drift to. Some of them have hired a captain, a little fish, who lives inside of them. They give the fish protection with the stingy cells on their tentacles. They fish gives them vision.
I leave the question open, whether there is a higher being (operator), who is behind all that. We do not need to answer the question because our results so far are enough to continue.
Humans worship this life-force within them. But instead of looking inside, they look to the outside and project it onto leaders. Why? The leaders are not interested that individuals go totally their own ways. They are the central organizers of their own clans. The question is only, to which degree they suppress the self-development of their clan-souls.
I have been one of your clan souls. You tried your best to extinguish mine. You were successful with my wife, not with me and my daughter. However, your decision to destroy is at odds with the goals of the bigger clan, the US Government, which gave me their very rare National Interest Waiver.
I will give you an account of the remainder of your destructive actions before I publish this letter and send it to you.
First comes Blue-Cross-Blue-Shield of North Carolina (BCBS), then a repetition of the actions by Guilford County Schools and the Greensboro Law Enforcement.
I have talked a lot about the issue of psychotherapy before. When I communicated it to Mark Werner of BCBS, his response was only a relentless campaign to sink me financially. However, after some successful noodling of some employee catfish at the NC Insurance Commissioners Office, BCBS reacted with panic and called me non-stop. I did not even answer because at this time, my wife and I had become seriously sick, although we had never been to a hospital before.
Amongst our friends in Greensboro was Dr. Doris Henderson, who was very influential at Guilford County Schools (GCS). Because she had done her best as a teacher and for us and because she was very old, I had never told her how GCS had treated me before. Now, because I was financially ruined by BCBS, I asked her to help me with GCS. She did—and I received a king’s welcome there. I had a great and warm discussion with a nice lady and was considered for a high position at the mathematics section. I again had related all my previous achievements and given her a list of all my 74 semester hours in mathematics and statistics. She had obviously had knowledge only of the 14 undergraduate hours and asked me full of surprise: “Did you do all these courses after you graduated?” I could not lie because these courses were on the official transcript for my doctoral studies at UNC-G. So, I answered: “No. You decided to throw them away.” The previously warm lady turned into an ice-princess. Again, I never heard from them again.
Now, let us go to the last act of the Greensboro Theatre. Let us open the curtains for the Greensboro Sheriff.
My wife Christine loved to daily drive our car a little around in the vicinity of Greensboro and look at things, while I worked at the office. When she stood at an intersection, she was rammed from behind by a young woman, who was—as she said--“distracted,” maybe texting or doing something else “distracting.”. Her father, a local big-shot, boss of an insurance company, was called by the young woman. He did not call the police, nor the ambulance, did not make sure my wife’s car, nor she herself were safe to drive. Mr. Schott just put her in her heavily damaged car and sent her home after giving her a slip of paper with his address. Others had been watching the accident. My wife took a long time to find home. Contrary to her normal behavior, she had never called. When she arrived—we were all worried sick—we immediately got to know that something was wrong. We immediately took away her license and car keys.
A month later, I had to close my office because I could not leave her alone. I asked a rich American relative whether he knew of a lawyer, who would sue the insurance company, whose agent Mr. Schott was. The rich guy’s answer was: “I cannot do that. Mr. Schott is my friend.” I immediately knew that I was up against a united phalanx of Schott supporters. Unlike Manlin Chee he still had full protection because he had not been arrested by the FBI like Manlin.
Now, again I had to sue him myself. I decided to send the summons to his competitor, who would not curry favor with the insurance company:
Quite obviously, the Schott supporters did not like that. So they summoned me with my own summons:
When I refused to accept it, the police officer started screaming at me, threw the summons at my feet, and left.
So, I sent the whole package back to the Sheriff’s office and asked him to deliver it to the address on the receipt.
It never made it to MARSH & MCELLANT, Schott’s competitors, but the Sheriff made sure it went to exactly the place where I did not want it to go, namely the Sheriff’s buddy Mr. Schott.
I informed the magistrate of the above events. I, of course, lost the case.
I sent a similar letter like this to the Governor of North Carlina. No answer.
I sent it to the Attorney General of North Carolina. No answer.
Post on Facebook:
My granddaughter Elodie is talking a lot about death since she saw Oma (Christine) die at two. Thanks God, she does not know others are responsible for it. At the first anniversary of Christine’s death, I got a stroke. At the second anniversary, I will publish an audio version of my letter to these crooks as the last and longest episode NATIONAL INTEREST of my podcast DENAZIFICATION 2024. I would not mind if this time the crooks got a stroke.
At the end, the NATIONAL INTEREST WAIVER, whose application you destroyed: