This page is connected to Three Letters to the IRS

July 20, 2020


United States District Court

Middle District of North Carolina

324 W. Market Street, Suite 401

Greensboro, NC 27401-2544

Discrimination: Response to Lawyer

Re: 1:19-cv-01183-TDS-JLW

Dear Judge Webster.


The seriousness of discrimination is—apart from the personal damage suffered by the afflicted person—the harm done to the society, in which also the discriminators live. Self-damaging behavior, however, is a prime outcome of stupidity. As I said before, stupidity is the root cause of crises, such as wars, social unrest, or the like. 

Discrimination Against Immigrants: Even though America has been created by immigration, the process puts a lot of strain on the people, who are already there, and on the newcomers. Both are competing for jobs. The newcomers might work for lower wages. They are seen as a threat. This level is economic and, therefore, objective. However, the next level is subjective: Groups of local Americans bunch together for mutual support and develop stereotypes against the newcomers. Instead of staying on the economic level (“We don’t want you here. You make life more difficult for us.”)  discrimination is “justified” by stereotypes. This reaction is particularly strong towards first-generation immigrants, whose behaviors or accents show that they have not assimilated yet. The reaction is similar to the automatic immune response of a body against a virus. But such a response can be excessive and cause the body to hurt itself. 

History of Discrimination Against Immigrants: There is virtually no nation on Earth whose people have not been subjected to mob violence by Americans after immigration: Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Armenians, Italians, Germans, Russians, Greek, Mexicans, and so on. American police traditionally have just observed these events and “let them fight it out.” That this hands-off attitude actually encourages violence can be seen in a relatively recent, but differently motivated mob violence, the so-called “Greensboro Massacre.,” in which Maoists, Nazis, and the KKK clashed.

Side-Note on Violence: Violence does not solve issues. The Civil-War did not give equal rights to African Americans. Even just tolerating violence encourages violence. A better way to deal with problems is through thinking.

Example of a non-violent immigration into a violent land: In 1847, the former Baron von Meusebach (“El Sol Colorado”, 6’2’’, reddish-blond hair) made a treaty with the Penateka Comanche Chief of Texas that German settlers could settle in their land. The treaty was officially recognized and was never broken.

Stereotypes of Germans: They don’t make small talk, are unfriendly, don’t have a sense of humor, have no feelings, are overly organized, are Nazis.


Let me describe the “Inner Circle” of Greensboro. Years ago, a well-connected lawyer, Manlin Chee, stole my money. I tried to sue her. The summons could not be delivered by the Police Department despite multiple attempts. I spoke with Congressman Howard Coble, who then wrote a letter to the Chief of Police. All of a sudden, delivery was possible. Roll call came. I was not called by the judge. I saw my friend, Lawyer Steve Crihfield, stand behind the judge and I waved him to me. I informed him that I had not been called. He went to the judge, who then found my name on the list. Chee shortly afterwards got arrested by the FBI despite her good connections.

Mr. Schott is as well or even better connected within the “Inner Circle”. He, too, seems to have a good relationship with Police. The Police first served me, the plaintiff, with the summons. After having sent the summons back to the Sheriff, it was not delivered to the place on the receipt (MARSH & MCLENNAN), but to exactly the place where I did not want the summons to go, namely to Mr. Schott’s Insurance Company, in spite of my having the Sheriff explicitly asked again in my letter where to deliver the summons.  

Mr. Schott is very well known and connected within the Greensboro Inner Circle. He is a licensed agent of Cincinnati Insurance Companies or Company. He is Vice President of Craft Insurance Services. Every American relative of ours knows him. All of them, however, refused to even recommend a lawyer to us: Why should they run the risk of offending the important Mr. Schott and spoil the mutual exchange of benefits by helping an old German immigrant couple, who has nothing to offer? 

But now assume the following scenario: An old well-connected Lady from the Inner Circle of Greensboro was rammed by Mr. Schott’s “distracted” daughter from behind, while being in her stationary car. Mr. Schott arrives on the scene worried about a possible damage to his carefully groomed reputation in the Inner Circle. He does everything properly: He calls the Police, the Ambulance, and asks the Lady which of her relatives he should call (because he sees that the Lady seems bewildered and does not think about calling anyone). Since he knows that his daughter is the culprit, he does his very best to help the Lady with the consequences of the accident. He will be very nice so as not to set off the relatives of the Lady. 

He would not even consider acting the following way: He sees that the Lady is shocked and takes full advantage of the situation. He does not call the police in order to protect his own daughter. He does not call an ambulance. He does not make the Lady call her relatives. Instead, neither knowing her medical nor her car’s mechanical condition, he sends her off in her own badly damaged car. He does not care whether she is able to drive—this actually is doubtful from the way she is acting—or whether the car is safe.

He did everything mentioned in the previous paragraph to my wife Christine, because he knows everybody in the not-so-large Inner Circle of Greensboro and she is not amongst these people. Therefore, she is not important. She also seems to be easily influenced. Her heavy German accent in spite of her age indicates she might not have been in the USA for a long time, that is, she is poorly connected. Well, there is absolutely no business risk here taking full advantage of the situation.


The “Answer,” which I sent the Court last time was actually a collection of documents and stories with a cover letter. Without this collection, the present reply would have lacked a foundation.
Without todays letter on discrimination, the “Answer” would lack coherence. 

I hope that the Court forgives me for this two-stage process. I am still suffering from the effects of diabetes (serious nerve damage, extreme pain) and an additional unknown illness, which slowed me down. I am 75 and have to take care of my wife, who received some sort of brain damage from the accident, which she does not even remember any more.


Washington was nervous about confronting the British World Power. And Frederik II (Frederick the Great) doubted to challenge the mighty eHabsburg Empire. Imagine, therefore, that both seek the advice of a modern psychologist. When they mention their intentions to the shrink, this guy scoffs—of course, silently—in order not to provoke them to leave without paying. He picks up a notebook and asks both about their resources, which fit on one page each. After that, both have to give a list of the enemies’ resources, which fill twenty pages each. When the psychologist says to them, that—based on these data--it would be very unwise to wage a war, Washington and Frederick look at each other, scoff, stand up, and leave without paying.

The reasoning of the psychologist can be found everywhere today and is considered to be a shining example of rationality. However, it is a shining example of modern stupidity. 

Washington and Frederick the Great were very intelligent and, therefore, successful against their vastly superior enemies. However, they could not ”hand their intelligence over.” 

Einstein is said to have said that, “two things are infinite, the he universe and human stupidity.” There is a lot of discussion whether he really said this. A little elementary logic can actually prove that he did not, because Einstein believed that the universe is finite. This shows that all the previous discussions were garbage. 

Logic is a mental garbage-removal tool. It also has the chance to remove the garbage of stereotyping. I will later show that by removing stupid garbage, we increase intelligence. But this can be seen already right now: By removing a minus, we are actually adding something. Intelligence is not something that can be “handed over.” The unconscious mind is already there in each of us. It just must be freed by removing mental garbage.


In the 1990s, I had to do my doctoral internship at the former Charter Hospital in Greensboro. This hospital accepted mental patients only. I observed at one time, that an adolescent was acting out. The staff of the unit put the youngster on a bed, held him there, and put a cushion on his face in order to calm him down. It worked this time as it had many times before. However, I could not keep my mouth shut and said: “Sooner or later, you are going to suffocate someone. And then all hell will break loose for you and the hospital.” They continued the practice because it had been approved by the demi-gods of the system—and because it just seemed to work fine.
Finally, someone was killed. That is why the former Charter Hospital has a different name now, and a few people were fired. However, this probably did not cause anybody to become smarter.

After I had sent out tons of job applications for a counselor position in North Carolina, I never received even an invitation for an interview. Years afterwards, I got a call from one of these places (Youth Opportunities in Winston-Salem), asking me whether I was still interested in a job. I was astonished. The explanation was simple: I had a room within the State Street Center for Renewal in Greensboro, where I was seeing and getting my clients out too quickly. The boss of Youth Opportunities had met someone from the Center in the tea shop next door and found out that they had a German working at the Center. He, the boss of Youth Opportunities, had worked in Germany for years, and loved Germans. He admired their system. He discovered that I had applied at his place years before and had the clinical director call me. So, I started working for them.

The clients were youngsters (ages approximately 6-16), who were removed from the normal school-system because they were too disruptive or dangerous. They received schooling and counseling within Youth Opportunities. Youth Opportunities ran their programs in dilapidated school in a black neighborhood. Another more “dangerous” group, composed of older kids, was expelled for a year from a special high-school in Winston-Salem. They could enter a different program in a bleak and secured building in another black neighborhood in order to be re-admitted earlier. Youth Opportunities sent me there to give counseling to these older adolescents. The most explosive kid (let me call him “Sam”) was about 12 or 13. He once had grasped a 2-by-4 in the yard and hit a girl over the head. Members of the team spent an enormous amount of time and energy to constrain kids, who had become physically violent or disruptive. With some kids, the fight lasted for an hour or longer. When one of the team members was holding a youngster again from behind, and both were exhausted and drenched with sweat, I had enough. I went up to the youngster and started tickling him hard. First, he wanted to resist laughing, which only made him emit a loud stinky fart: “What are you doing now? Are you launching a gas attack? That deserves some more tickling!” After a short dose of my hard tickling and a broad grin of mine, he burst into uncontrollable laughter. The dark cloud of aggression dissolved and light appeared. 

My final departure from Youth Opportunities was prompted by the following event: The company had decided—against my explicit warning via email—to include Sam in a summer program. Sam behaved as expected: He picked up a rock and threw it at a girl sitting on a concrete stair. Luckily, the rock hit the steel railing in front of the girl’s face. When Sam was constrained by a team member the size of a weighty football player, he almost bit the guy’s finger off. 



 Constraints are a sign of failure (to avoid the CI).




The Place: Rocky Mount, Virginia (Piedmont Community Services): Even though I was employed there to give counseling services only to kids and their families, I had to get involved with @ diagnosed as schizophrenic. Everybody else was afraid to see him: “He is a violent alcoholic, illiterate, was in and out of mental hospitals repeatedly. He lives alone in a shack in the woods. He does not talk and he is illiterate. He looks like Charles Manson. He is dirty and unkempt.” I meet the guy. He ogles me suspiciously. I open the file and read the diagnosis PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC WITH AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS to him. He never heard it before and does not know what it means. I tell him that they think that he is really crazy, feels that people are after him, and that he hears voices. 


K: “I doubt that you are really hearing voices.”

@ (loud): “YOU SAY THAT I’M LYING !!!???”

K: “No. But let me tell you something. I am not only hearing voices, but I am seeing whole videos.”

@ “You crazy, too?”

K: “Some people called me that before—but I don’t care. No, but let me tell you about my hearing voices and seeing whole videos. That happens when I am dreaming. Maybe, you are just dreaming while you are awake. What else could it be?”

@: Beams.


From then on, he talked my ears off. I brought a children’s dictionary. He could read on a second-year level. After four sessions, he shows up in good clothes, washed, shaved, and proud of himself. He wants to do his driver’s license.

The Place: Düsseldorf Prison, West Germany, 1971: Franz Stangl, the commandant of the German annihilation camps of Sobibor and Treblinka, where he had killed 900,000 Jews, has conversations with Gitta Sereny. Stangl is imprisoned for life, but has denied his guilt so far. The talks between Stangl and Sereny are open, honest, and without any hidden agendas. Both open up to the reality of the other. Sereny reports: “After one of the talks, I felt the greatest fear of my life. I was very afraid to continue talking to Stangl.” What had he talked about? It was this:


We had our camp Jews, who helped us run our operations, that is, kill as many of their own kind as efficiently as possible. We did not feed our camp Jews. They took their food away from the Jews, who died about two hours after their arrival. There was an extended period of time, during which no new transports arrived, because the trains were needed for troops to the Eastern Front. The camp Jews started starving. When it was announced that a new transport was on the way, they began cheering.


Sereny continued to talk with Stangl anyway. Finally, he admitted that he was guilty. This admission broke his heart. He died less than a day later from a heart attack.

The Place: Neckargemünd, West Germany, late 1970s: Parents (one a judge, the other a lawyer) of a young law student call me “because their son got involved with the wrong people and is troubled about that.” The young man comes in and it shows that he has strong communist leanings of the Eastern Block, not of the Maoist type. He also sets me practical limits right away: “My parents instructed me to tell you that they will take you apart if you break your confidentiality. And I will say that you made everything up.” I had never known anybody, who insisted on his right to confidentiality so much. I got curious. After extended political discussions, he pulls a Walther PPK (semi-automatic pistol, cal. 7.65mm) out of his pocket. I ask him where he shoots this gun. He answers: “Last time I shot it, it was in a jungle in Indonesia. I am a so-called terrorist in training. But I have my doubts—and you have increased them. What am I supposed to do now? I will never go to the police. I’d rather kill myself.” A short time later, he says that he talked to his comrades, explained to them his doubts, and tells me that they are going to put him in front of the “People’s Tribunal.” I told him not to be stupid: “Run! Leave everything behind.” Later, he calls me and says: “The People’s Tribunal was very understanding. They said that they need comrades, who can think on their own. They were convinced that I would never betray them.” After that, he did not show up for sessions any more. I called his parents. They told me that he was so happy before he went to Indonesia a second time. However, the parents never heard from him again.


Shot in the back of his head in a jungle in Indonesia.

The place: Private Practice, Wiesenbach, West Germany, 1980s: This time, I talked to a guy from the opposite side of the political spectrum. He (Klaus )and his wife were both teachers and had marital problems. He also wants to talk about his Nazi convictions and puts out the following test that I would not shrink back in horror:


A big-game hunter goes to Africa. Upon his return, his fellow hunters ask him about what he had shot. He answers: “One elephant, one rhino, one water-buffalo, and ten noplis.” They ask him what noplis were; they had never heard of them before. He says: “Well, noplis are black figures. When you point your gun at them, they run away and cry out NO-PLEASE, NO-PLEASE!”

We talk out his political views now, and I use my logic on him. During a session, he shows me a photograph of his daughter and her American boyfriend. She had had been an exchange student in the USA. The daughter is white-blond, white face, white dress. She is like a white silhouette. Beside her is a black silhouette: Black hair, black face, black clothes—her boyfriend. Klaus looks at me and awaits my reaction. I say: “This must have been a terrible blow to your Aryan soul.” Klaus bursts out in raucous laughter—and repeats that again and again during the session. And I think “Not everything is lost with this guy.”


Klaus goes to Brazil.  He and his wife teach at a German school. Upon his return, he tells me how much he had liked all the people there, who “were so full of life—the opposite of Germans.” Klaus had stopped to be a Nazi.

Test of some members of the Greensboro Inner Circle: I reported the above story to some of its members. The joke was a big “success” story. They found it very funny. 

Question: “Why do many Americans behave as if they are dealing with a schizophrenic instead of a socialist or a mass murderer instead of a white supremacist”


A signal event of the French Revolution was the decapitation of the French King and his wife. After a lot of bloodshed amongst their fellow French and other foreign people, the final outcome of the revolution was not only a King, but an Emperor (Napoleon). 


The same result occurred in other bloody revolutions—in Russia, where a Stalin, in Germany, where a Hitler, and in China, where a Mao came to power. These warlords had the conviction, that it was not only necessary to standardize weapons, but also people. If one of them was broken or not standardized, an identical replacement was easily available. If you succeed in wiping out individual minds, you increase overall stupidity: You cannot call a brain-dead person anything but stupid. 

In the USA, many services are offered in a standardized form, too. Here, it is called “fidelity.” A company, for example, who offers consulting services, will standardize the consulting services—and, therefore, also the consultant, who offers these services. The reason given is; “Our customers should get exactly what they paid for.” A government agency, who supports a certain program, makes sure that the program can be delivered in the standardized “scripted” form they paid for.  


Classes at Youth Opportunities were administered in this scripted form. The teachers were turned into Japanese robots. The difficult kids became bored or upset or staged a disturbance. A “behavioral specialist”, who was also in the classroom, then had to take care of the situation in an equally prescribed way, e.g., apply a restraint.


The operations of a computer are coordinated by a Central Processing Unit (CPU). Even if the CPU is fully functional, the computer may become dysfunctional if there is a lot of unnecessary garbage in it. You have to run a cleaning software to remove the garbage.

There is no doubt, that a similar central integrating place is present in humans. Hadamard called this place UNCONSCIOUS MIND (UM). The UM integrates the various functions in a human being. The UM will not work well if there is a lot of mental garbage. The person, who wants his UM to work well, that is, wants to increase the working of the UM, needs to clean the garbage out.  

Living beings have to be much more resilient and complex than computers because living beings often experience damage and have to self-repair, which computers cannot do. We do not know how the UM works. Einstein calls--in his letter to Hadamard—the related issues “very difficult and interesting.”.  Therefore, we should be quite careful not to push the analogy with computers too far. We should, for example, be very cautious to base our reasoning on the logic in a computer, that is, mathematical logic.

The question is now: Why do you let the garbage into a computer at all? Would it not be better to have a first line of defense to ward off the infiltration of garbage or more dangerous stuff? This idea suggests the necessity of a virus protection program. Viruses stall the function of the CPU efficiently. However, the existence of a virus protection program does not ward off the accumulation of garbage in a computer. To maintain the proper functioning of the CPU, we need both programs. 

In humans, an ideology corresponds to a virus in a computer. An ideology stalls the UM of an individual efficiently—and it is meant to do so.


Mathematics can serve as a cleaning and ideology-protection agent. It was not built for this purpose, however. Mathematicians can be compared to engineers, who build an exercise machine. They are totally obsessed with the technical details of the machine and try to improve its functioning more and more, but forget all about the user. Finally, a situation is reached, where the machine is of no use any more—except for the nerdy engineers. This is modern mathematics. The old mathematics is more useful. There is one constant, however: Mathematicians have a hard time explaining mathematics. For them, it is clear—for almost everybody else, it is not. I showed in my hand-written autobiography, how this problem can be solved.


In 1976, I became a member of the Deutch-Chinesische Freundschafts-Gesellschaft DCFG (German-Chinese Friendship Association) in Heidelberg, West-Germany. Mao had receded into the background because he was sick. Sooner than later, he was going to die. I wanted to see how the transition to a post-Mao government was handled by German Maoists. The members of the DCFG belonged to the KBW (Kommunistischer Bund West-Deutschland = Communist German Alliance). They were enemies of the DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei = German Communist Party), which leaned towards Moscow. Beijing and Moscow could not stand each other, which percolated down to the KBW and DKP. Similarity in ideology does not imply love, especially if the people belong to hostile countries. There is something like patriotism.  So, it is very possible that in World War II, American KKK members hated German Nazis and killed as many as they possibly could.  

But let us now go back to the German Maoists. On the shining altar of the (Cultural) Revolution, there was an artifact, which was huge in power, but small in size: THE MAO BIBLE. The German Maoists turned themselves into biological copies of the red bible. They committed mental suicide. All become one.

They all thought and acted alike. Deviation and doubts were severely criticized. To fortify our revolutionary ardor, Beijing even sent over a Chinese troupe, which performed a revolutionary theatrical performance: Excellent dancing and jumping, a lot of red-flag waving and revolutionary songs and mock fights against the class-enemy.

I also received the Beijing Revue. This was a periodical printed in most world languages. Shortly before the death of Mao, I wrote them this letter:

Dear Comrades,

I thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Revolutionary Theatre. Their level of performance and revolutionary zeal was astounding. I thoroughly studied the words of the Great Chairman Mao. His Cultural Revolution has the goal to defeat the class-enemy. However, I fear one thing: If you make it clear to everybody how they should behave, they might hide their anti-revolutionary tendencies behind a theatrical performance. You will not see these traitors come.

A few weeks later, the Gang of Four was arrested. The effect on the German Maoists was devastating. The Chinese celebrated.

As we can see, the procedure of Communist ruling is far from fool-proof. One could argue that an immensely wise leadership could possibly run a country well and fill its wisdom into the heads of the people. 

The critique goes like this:

  1. The Chinese leadership is not immensely wise. In the 1930, during the Chinese Civil War, they decided to abandon their guerrilla and mobile warfare and enter into stationary warfare against a superior enemy. The Communists barely escaped, losing 90% of their fighters. 

  2. As we just have seen, the Cultural Revolution was declared to have been a mistake, too. Deng Xiaoping, the target of hateful attacks by the German Maoists, initiated the transition to post-revolutionary China. 


Description of the Machine: A spring launches one or more metal balls onto a play field. The goal is to hit targets, score as many points and play as long as possible. Player-controlled paddles, called flippers, can prevent the balls from going down the drain and end the game. 

History is like a pinball machine. The player is humankind represented by certain individuals, such as persons or states. There is, even with the most capable individuals playing, a good element of chance involved. 

Recently, after 1945 up to today, killer targets (Nuclear Intercontinental Missiles, etc.) were installed. These targets are protected by flippers. If a killer target is hit by a ball, the player, that is humankind, is blown to pieces. 



Kingdom of France 840

Habsburg Empire 400

Prussian Kingdom 200

Napoleon I 12

German Kaisers 40

Soviet Russia 70

Hitler 13

If we look at the games and take the duration as a measure of ability to play, it becomes obvious, that there is less ability over time. 

This fact becomes very dangerous with the games after World War II: Stupidity is potentially deadly.


(The Corona Virus Ball is still moving.)


USA 250

Post-Soviet Russia 30

Communist China ` 70



The Declaration of Independence states that


A fact for the writers of the Declaration and their ancestors had always been


The above two premises have the unfortunate conclusions that


That slaves are no people follows from the premises, because, if they were, they would have these unalienable rights. 

Romans were much clearer on the issue: If they had conquered another country, such as Greece, everything became their property, people included. A Roman could have a Greek scholar for a slave, but would never think of him as non-human. Quite the opposite: The Romans became the greatest fans of Greeks.

The American Civil War removed official slavery. But the idea that blacks were non-human persisted. 

The brain-damage my wife suffered from the accident, put me out of commission, too, because I had to take care of her. The discrimination by Americans finally had found my Achilles heel: my wife. A few months afterwards, my daughter persuaded me to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night. I had resisted such a step previously because we had no money for it. Previous discriminations had made my financial situation quite difficult. The doctor found that my blood-sugar was above 1500 and asked me when I had been to a doctor last time. I told her that I never had needed one—and that it probably was in the military when I had gotten an open wound infected, which must have been more than 50 years ago. I was transported immediately to the Moses-Cone IC unit in Greensboro. I told them that I had no insurance. For aftercare, they sent me to their poor-people clinic (Community Health and Wellness Center). When I was in the waiting room, I immediately felt at home: Long, short, thin, thick, sick, black, white, olive people, various languages—but, certainly no one from the Inner-Circle of Greensboro. The black staff loved me in spite of my Aryan appearance: “Gerhard, you are so beautiful.” I just shook my head. My wife and my daughter have the same relationship with people of color. They are loved by them. We just treat them  as what they are, namely people. It looks like some Americans could learn something from us Nazis. At the pharmacy of this facility, I also could afford my medication, which I could not have at CVS or Walmart.


After my abortive attempts to save the World, I will retire now from this thankless endeavor, I will read my 300-to-100-year-old math and history books.

Assume that you give someone the following task:

Write down 75,892 digits beginning with


What is the last digit?

There will be two consecutive reactions:

  1. Inability to understand the problem.

  2. If the problem is understood, the following question: “What is it good for?”

The answer is: